Power of the Tongue
Your words have power. From an early age my mom has always corrected me whenever I spoke negativity over my life, or even someone else’s life. I use to find this so frustrating. I would call my mom and say something that the average person would simply consider to be an expression. “I’m so tired of etc. I need this to be over!” My mom would reply to a statement like that “girl you better be careful what you say. Don’t you know your words have power?” Now as an adult, I understand why, and I am thankful that my mom corrected me all those years. You see; when you decide to speak things into existence, remember good or bad you are professing out of your mouth what you want your life to be. You cannot pray for things, and change, and people, but continue to go through life with a negative mouth. Have you ever woke up in the morning, and said “I already know today is going to be a bad day”, and then your day was exactly what you said it would be? This wasn’t a lucky guess, and this wasn’t you being realistic about your day. You woke up and not only professed how your day would be, but you also made the decision to have a bad day. What if you woke up and instead of putting negative energy in the air, you decided and professed, “today will be a good day.” Or that promotion at work that you really want but you constantly keep saying “I probably won’t get it”, instead try saying “I will get this job, and if not God has something greater in store for me.” Always remember, it takes more energy to be negative, than it does to be positive. When you speak life into things and people, you get joy, happiness, and success. When you choose to speak death, well you get exactly what you ask for. Your words have power, so make the choice every day to take power over your tongue, and be positive.