Can you build with someone while building a career?
So you’re twenty-something now. You’re not too old, but you’re not too young either. You started your career, or you’re in the process of reaching your goals/dreams. You want it all, and then some. However, your career comes first. Right? Or you’re twenty-something now. You’re not too old, and not too young either. You have a partner. They’ve been riding with you for a while now. Your career is in the works. But your love life is in the making. You want it all too, and then some. But your love has come first. Is this mic on yet? So how do you balance building a life with someone, while building a career?
If you are happily single with no plans on falling in love, this story is simply your entertainment for today. If you are struggling with this question, and or curious about this topic, I’ll hopefully have you having a healthy debate with your boo and or friends tonight. So I’ll ask the question again; can you build with someone while building a career? My answer is yes. But I am a hopeless romantic, so let’s dive into the opposite first which is obviously no.
When you are dating, and or in a relationship, it is natural for the person you are with to become hopefully a “healthy distraction”. A healthy distraction is someone or something that distracts you from other things you normally partake in. However, you enjoy your time with this person and or thing and it adds to your happiness. This is considered a healthy distraction. An unhealthy distraction is someone or something that distracts you from your normal routine. This person or thing does not add to your happiness and is probably toxic in your life.
So let’s focus on a healthy distraction. You’ve met someone. They bring joy to your life. However, the time that you spend together keeps you from working on your business ventures, your homework, or your strategy to climb the corporate America ladder. Healthy or unhealthy, this person has become a distraction in your life. However, life is all about balance. I believe that everything happens for a reason. The people who are in your life are there not by chance but by fate. It is up to you to determine if that reason is a lesson or a lifetime.
If a lesson, then building with someone while building a career may not be in your cards. If you have determined this person is here to stay, find ways to do both. Instead of going to the movies or Netflix and chilling, meet your significant other at the coffee shop and work on your goals together. Create a schedule with your boo that is convenient for you both. Communicate your plans, and find someone who wants to see you succeed. Be honest about where you are in life, and hopefully, they’ll understand the small sacrifices you have to make to achieve your goals. Pray together. Ask God to guide you both during your separate career paths, and bring you together during your journey to a healthy relationship.
I am not here to tell you if you can do both, or if you should be willing to do both. However, what I can tell you is to live your life with no regrets. If you have determined isolation and dedication during your twenties is the way to go, live your life queen. If you find someone who encourages you, adds to your happiness, and you want to build with, choose both or live with the possibility that you may never find that again. Regardless if you are choosing to only love your career, or balancing love of career and love of another, just remember love conquers all.