Not Quite 30
So I’m two months shy of my 26th birthday and I’m starting to have that “almost 30” feeling. This feeling is not only coming from within but also the pressures from others around me. “When are you buying a house, you’re pushing 30.” “Don’t you want to move up at your current job? You’re getting up there.” It’s both frustrating and annoying to be reminded of that invisible clock we all carry around in our minds. I am four years away from 30 and I am now beginning to ask myself that grand old question: “Where do you see yourself at 30?”
Well, I have my own plans and goals that I am working towards achieving before 30. So to anyone who wants to know my future plans, I say to them “I am right where God wants me to be.” That’s right, this post is not to feed into the “I’m almost 30” absurdity that society places on people and in particular women. So what you’re almost 30 and you haven’t bought a house yet. Maybe you’re not ready and or you love to travel so the idea of committing to a house does not fit your current lifestyle. Okay, you’re not married and or in a serious relationship yet. Do you know how many women find their true love after 30?
Alright, you’re still figuring out your career. Did you know Oprah Winfrey didn’t become the first black female host of a nationally syndicated daily talk show known as “The Oprah Winfrey Show” until she was 32? That’s right queens, the truth is some women do not start living their best life until after 30. That’s okay too. Do not let society place you in a box. You’re not quite 30, and you’re still figuring out this journey called life. As long as you continue to move to the beat of your own drum, the rest will work itself out.