How My Ex Saved My Life
You know the expression ”when one door closes another one opens?” Actually one of my favorite rappers Gucci Mane said it best “miss one, next 15 ones coming.” In other words, just because it’s the end of something doesn’t mean better days are not ahead. Let’s rewind to two months ago. I was bawling my eyes out, losing my self-respect, and acting unusual over a man.
Now if you know me, you know I’ve always wanted love. That Martin and Gina kind of love. That Dwayne and Whitley kind of love. Hell that, Jody and Yvette kind of love. But you know what all these couples have in common? They are not real. These are fictional characters from movies and or tv shows. Although some of us can relate to what we see on tv, it’s not our reality. I feel like I have been stuck in a movie or a maze for my entire life, and now thanks to my ex I am living in my reality.
The reality is, my name is Taylor Mills and I have spent my childhood and some of my adulthood searching for love from a man to replace the love from my father I never got to experience. As a result of this, I have fantasized, and romanticized relationships with men that honestly truly, never existed. Whew, first off that felt good to write. My last failed attempt at a fictional relationship was the best thing that ever happened to me. Now of course when things initially went left with my ex, I couldn’t quite see where God was taking me. I felt abandoned. I felt unworthy. I felt embarrassed because I just knew he was the one, or so I thought. But God.
Fast forward to now, and I am thankful. I am now in therapy breaking down walls, generational curses, and overcoming past traumas that I had buried so deep I forgot they existed. My blog, my baby, is growing in ways I didn’t even imagine it could. I am tearing up just writing this right now because I am so full of joy. So to my ex, I say thank you. You saved me, and I am forever grateful. I do not need to tell you that everything happens for a reason. Just look at my story, I am living proof.