The 9 to 5 just to stay Alive
I always find it funny to hear Beyoncé reference a 9 to 5. It seems to me her journey has been filled with her fulfilling her dreams since day one. Unfortunately, for many of us that is not always the case. Take some of our parents for example; they made the sacrifice to take care of their children and the 9 to 5 just to stay alive mentality became their reality. Now some of you have followed in your parent’s footsteps, and you’re currently working a job that you do not enjoy just to provide for yourself and or your children. I get it, you need to feed your kid(s), or pay bills, or you just want to have money for material things. But tell me, what’s really stopping you from ending this continuous cycle of not accomplishing your dreams? Is it procrastination? Is it that relationship you should have ended years ago? Or is it just pure laziness? Listen, if you go to work every day, and somewhere throughout the day if not the entire day you ask yourself what are you doing here? Why are you not spending every second you have doing things that you love, and pursuing your passion? It’s time queen. It’s time to grow up, and glow up. When I look at successful people like Oprah, and Beyoncé, I think to myself I have the same 24 hours as them, so what is stopping you from “living your best life”? Queen you answered correctly, the answer is you. No one can force you to invest in yourself; it must first start with you. We all have to decide what kind of life we want to live. Is it a purposeful life where we accomplish every goal, and or dream we ever thought of? Or is it one, where we work the 9 to 5 just to stay alive and talk about what we wish we did. “I don’t like to gamble. But if there is one thing I’m willing to bet on, is myself”- Beyoncé