Living in your Truth
Imagine a world where no one told lies, or made up stories other than for entertainment purposes, and everyone truly lived in their truth. I know you’re thinking this sounds like a fantasy, or a corny movie on Netflix. However, this can be your reality. Don’t you get tired of fronting for people who could care less about your well-being? Or are you tired of not being honest with yourself about the person you were born to be? Now I get it, it’s so easy to get caught up in bs, or fictional things. Often times, the reality of where you are in life can be too painful to live in, so the lie feels better. But queen, if you never struggled, if you never felt pain, if you never experienced life, who would you be? Would you be a fictional character in a movie or a television show, where life was always perfect? Even that doesn’t exist. Queen, living in your truth means first being honest with yourself, and then being honest with others. For example, if you make a mistake, own it. Who cares what anyone thinks, respect is more important than opinions. If you hurt someone you love, own it. You can never claim to care for someone if you can’t right your wrongs. Living in your truth also means acknowledging where you are right now in life, and being okay with your progress. If you don’t have a million dollars in your bank account, don’t live a million dollar lie to save face for others. The lie is always more entertaining than the truth. But the truth is always more respected than the lie. Live in your truth kings and queens. No one can judge you when you are living your best truth. #Ownyourtruthqueen