Never step back in your own Sh*t!
Now queen. You know that guy, girl, or friend that you keep reviving from the dead? Yeah, girl, the one you said you weren’t going to let back into your life yet they keep creeping up like unwanted weight? Mhmm queen, I know the feeling. I’m not here to judge. I’m just here to tell you you’re not alone, and here’s how to close that chapter once and for all. Have you ever heard the expression never step back into your own sh*t? No?
My mom tells me this whenever I am struggling to let someone go, and when God has clearly shown me this person is not meant to be in my life. The expression “never step back into your own sh*t” derives from dogs. If you own a dog or have ever seen a dog when they take a crap, they do this very weird thing where they face forward from where they took a crap, kick their feet towards their feces, and never look back. The theory is that dogs do this because they do not want to step back into their own crap, literally.
Now black folks of course thought well look at this dog, kicking his feet towards his feces as if to say “I’m done with you.” Well, queen, that’s the mentality you must-have when it comes to deadweight and dead situations. If you have made up your mind that you are no longer going to tolerate poor behavior, from whomever that may be, keep your word, and keep it pushing. Here’s what can happen when you keep stepping back into your own sh*t.
There ‘s a woman I know who was married to a man for over 10 years. For 10 years this woman continued to step back into her own crap. See, this queen knew before she married him that he was not the man for her. God had given her signs clear as day to leave. However, she just couldn’t stop stepping back into her sh*t. A child, and 10 trifling years later, she finally decided to stop stepping back, and only forward. Her child from that marriage was a blessing, but her time, unfortunately, was something she could never get back.
See queen, I’m not saying it’s easy to stop reviving people from the dead. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve brought a man, and friends back from the dead only for them to stab the same wound over and over again. But queen, once you understand the woman God is calling/has called for you to be, you will understand that anything that is for you will never miss you. It’s time queen, face forward, kick your heels back, and keep going. #OnToTheNext