Queens Take Back Their Power
If you’re not ready to take back your power and stop letting people dog walk you, this post is not for you. Now that I have your attention, listen closely Queen. It’s time to sit on your throne. You deserve so much more than the crap you’ve been accustomed to. The reason why things keep coming back full circle is because you have not learned your lesson yet. God will not allow you to move forward until he knows you understand your worth and your purpose.
I too have been played, lied to, and saved for later. But after a few repeated actions and lessons, I’ve decided to take back my power. I’ve decided to not allow any man or woman to treat me like the yellow starburst. Now that I understand my worth, I refuse to accept anything less than what I deserve. Here’s how you too can take back your power.
First: Acknowledge your mistakes. It’s okay to admit you’ve made some poor choices. Second: Accept that the past cannot be changed. It’s no need to beat yourself up, or dwell on the past. What’s done is done. Third: Ask yourself how much do I love me? Do you love yourself the way you would want someone else to love you? In the words of Lauren Hill “How you gone win when you ain’t right within?”.
Fourth: Speak up for yourself. The days of being quiet or going with the flow are over. The worst thing anyone can tell you is no. Fifth: Protect your space and energy at all costs. You’re not for everyone and you should not want to be. Lastly, Six: Put yourself first. Pour into your mental and physical health, take your spirituality to a new level, and accomplish some goals on your to-do list. You cannot pour into others with an empty cup.
This could be you but you’re playing. The time is now Queen. Take back your power, and put some respect on your name. Wear that crown confidently and proudly. You hold all the power queen, now it’s time to own it.