Spoiled Fruit
Editor: Courtney Heiskell
“Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” 1 Corinthians 15:33
Let’s discuss the concept of spoiled, rotten fruit. Everyone has heard the phrase, “birds of a feather flock together”. The people you affiliate with, ultimately dictate your character; They grant people insight into who you might be, even if it’s inaccurate. Perception is reality, and you have to ask yourself what your reality reflects— what your decisions, associations, and escapades depict.
Most times, we don’t realize our influence on others, or how easily swayed we can be, ourselves. Think of how innocently we pick up on someone else’s dialect. Our conformist ability to switch up our vernacular is similar to inadvertently morphing the varying aspects of our being. In a search for identity and a means of social acceptance, we blindly follow or lead each other astray, until we find our own distinct paths.
The power of influence is cause and effect; a chain reaction; a domino effect. We’re all familiar with the phrase, “one bad apple spoils the bunch”. Even if a fresh apple lies amongst the rotten bunch, it’s just a matter of time before that apple, too, decays and wreaks of decomposition. Therefore, you have to be mindful of who’s tied to your soul, touching your heart, and feeding your mind. At first, you may be perceived as different, but slowly and surely, you’ll adapt and blend, inevitably, like a chameleon.
There are two definitions of the word spoiled: (1). (of a person, especially a child) harmed in character by being treated too leniently or indulgently, and (2). (of food) having become unfit for eating. If we were to take a moment to reflect on our interpersonal exchanges and relationships, we’d be able to notice the pattern of environmental power as nature’s guide. All of us hold the capacity to be a spoiled fruit; To carry something rotten, or be something rotten. Carrying it doesn’t necessarily dictate the entirety of who/what you are, and being it doesn’t mean that’s all you are. Fruits spoil due to being damaged by microorganisms such as bacteria, mold, enzymatic processes, or bruising. In other words, our character can be corrupted and tainted by the company we keep, all forms of social media, and ourselves.
There are a plethora of situations in which we are spoiled fruit. We are spoiled fruit when we don’t project love, when we fight against peace, when we complain, when we’re selfish, etc. We become spoiled from our ill-intentioned friends and family members, the varying stresses of the world, and the lack of faith in our Creator.
Now, it’s time to relocate. You must alleviate your exposure to rotten fruit and bask in a new bowl of freshness. If that means you’ll lose a couple of friends, so be it. Being content with who you are matters more than the same demons who dragged you down, having the audacity to be upset at the havoc they’ve wreaked. If you have to take a breather from social media, that’ll do too. Every once in a while, you need to be cleansed from the filth of this world. People may not remember the intricate details of your social media persona, but they will remember the essence of your being; the positivity and warmth of your spirit.
Ensure what you reflect is something you can smile at in the mirror. If you can’t fathom to look at yourself, commence a plan to implement a system of change in your life. Start with the people you tolerate, for it’ll ease your mind, heart, and spirit. Manifest positivity and affirmations of consistency, then your mind will elevate and release happy hormones and captivating energy. You’ll begin to see the shifts in your life, and you’ll be able to reflect what your mirror was always showing you. Don’t be spoiled fruit. Be fresh, maintain the freshness, then spread it.