What’s the ROI? (Return on Investment)
Most people only associate the word ROI (Return on Investment) with investing in stocks. Return on Investment is the ratio between the net profit, and cost of investment resulting from an investment of some resources. So in layman’s terms, if you invest in stocks what will the return be, or how beneficial will the return be to you? This past week, I realized Return on Investment applies to so many things in life. When you invest your time and money into something, you must consider the ROI. How is this going to benefit you in the long run? Will the time spent be worth it? Will this bring you joy and make you a better person? Did you know your significant other has an ROI? If you’re investing your time, and most likely money into a relationship, ask yourself what’s the ROI? Is this person helping you grow? Are they adding to your happiness? The ROI for your relationship should be beneficial to you in the long run. What about your career? Does your current position align with your purpose? Does your current career meet your financial goals? Most importantly, are you happy in your current position? You spend 40 hours a week at work. If the ROI for your job is not worth it, it may be time to shake things up. Lastly, your friends have an ROI too. Be mindful of the company you keep. Your friends should be a reflection of you, or an example of who you aspire to be. If you’ve been friends with someone for years, you should be able to identify at least three ways this person or your relationship with the person has grown. If you can’t name any, it’s time to level up. If you spend money on something/someone, or invest your time ask yourself, what’s the ROI?
This is a great way to look at everything in your life. It should help to weed out any unnecessary things you are spending your time on, therefore leaving more time for things that will help you grow!