The Best Kept Secrets: Knowing My Own Power
Editor: Ashli Teil
I always felt I was more than I appeared to be, but I had nothing substantial to go by to confirm what I was feeling. Certain things I did came naturally, but somehow, I knew not to talk about them. No one else I knew brought up the subject, not even my parents. I kept it to myself, pretty much all my life, until I met groups of people here and there in internet groups. Still, only a handful were willing to get into deep conversations about their experiences. They would go only so far with me about these powers we all had. Eventually, I decided to expose as many of the secrets as I could myself, because I believe everyone deserves to know their truth with no holds barred.
Kicking off my new mission, I decided to list things I did not know about myself. I had no idea how many items would be on the list. Nonetheless, I wrote down everything that came to mind for about 15 minutes. When I stopped, I had more than 50 unique secrets I had uncovered over the past few years since I started my self-directed studies in the neurosciences, the quantum sciences, and epigenetics. I found validation in my studies, and I found the collective of the neurosciences, quantum and epigenetics meshed well with spirituality.
Already having launched my website, Indoma’s Place, in 1996, I had already posted many articles and series about my experiences almost 20 years before finding this delectable mix. Indeed, my confidence soared. Finding only a few willing to discuss my findings, however, I decided to begin a new journey, writing books on what I refer to fondly as my emotional journey. Over the past two or three months, I have added new posts to my latest website, Empowerment and Imagination. Learning to use WordPress has been challenging, fun, and exciting each time I use the site. My inaugural post is already published, and I have more on the back burner for everyone’s reading pleasure. I am well on my way now. I have gone too far to stop or turn back. If anything, I am taking what I know even further.
Perhaps you are wondering why I am so passionate about exposing these secrets. If so, I know I am talking to the right people. To be successful in business, or anything you do, you must start by taking care of yourself, starting particularly with your emotions.
Before I talk about the emotional journey, I must list three of the secrets I am telling you about today. They reveal the magnificence of the human body. I used to ponder the description of the body after reading Psalm 139 in the Bible – a marvelous and wonderfully-made body that comes with so many resources is almost unimaginable. These two adjectives sound and feel so good; this feel-good feeling lends to the following secrets:
- Secret 1: The body has a mighty chemical factory centered in the brain.
- Secret 2: The body has a 700 trillion voltage electrical power plant, with 1.4 volts in each cell. All the cells of the body form a community of 50 trillion cells.
- Secret 3: The body, sometimes referred to as a biological mechanism or biological machinery, is fully equipped for self-healing, and can maintain its balance for more than 900 years.
When taking care of your emotions, you must choose your thoughts. This is the start of the unveiling – the first secret. Each thought generates an emotion. With your emotional reactions – whether you are expressing a lovely idea or an unpleasant one – you produce a chemical. With kind and loving thoughts, you stimulate the manufacture of high-quality chemicals. With these chemicals, you cause the brain to send information throughout the body to the cells calling for them. The cells use the information to take care of the body.
Your thoughts are tools, inherent and automatically generating the emotional reactions you feel along your emotional journey. When you respond to the impact of a situation or event, such as a strange, unexpected sound during the night, you are startled for a second. Your reaction is to the impact of the sound that caused you to suddenly feel uncertain about your safety. The emotion, however, produces a fear-based chemical. The message goes to the immune system instructing it to go into fight, flight, or hide mode. Often, you pause for a moment and realize everything is okay. At other times, you might hide in the closet, frightened and hoping whatever it is won’t come in your room to get you. In this instance, you poison the body with your thoughts.
With unkind and unpleasant thoughts, the chemicals you produce are toxic. They poison the body by activating viruses and bacteria that make you sick; each entity remains dormant until activated, and some can be deadly. This includes all the negative conversations you have with yourself, with others, and even with objects. For example, you might talk to things when they do not work right. In such instances, you should make corrections in your focus. When things seem to go wrong, try to understand how and why you should be grateful: the situation that resulted in your negativity activated the power of your brain to produce evidence that all is well. Expressing appreciation for everything is also how you take care of your feelings.
Recall your chemical factory – it manufactures every drug, including substances we know about and those not yet invented. Aware of this fact, I researched the topic, challenging myself to write a series of short books on cannabis and CBD’s calming effects. I published a social media group and blog post on the subject in late September to bring my audience up to speed on the correlation between medical marijuana, the internal chemical factory, and the impact of COVID-19 in the body. The challenge in continuing the manufacturing process is sustaining elevated emotions.
Neuroscience teaches that you become what you contemplate, which indicates that we are patterns of thoughts. This, and the fact that ideas are invisible, indicates we are beings of energy. As energy, we organize ourselves into our individualized forms and functions. We also consolidate energy into our experiences, which is another way to say we manifest our reality. Think through the types of experiences you prefer – lovely or toxic experiences. Sensations you feel are chemical charges running through the body in a 90 to 120-second refractory period. This is enough time to correct your focus.
While the chemical factory and electrical power plant work together in managing your biological mechanism, you are cultivating your capacities as a biological regulation expert. All your life, you have regulated your biology without being aware of it.
This point brings us to the third secret. Learn to think loving thoughts, so you control your mechanism with elevated emotions. Ponder the design of your body to run for 900 years. I’m not asking you to believe this. That is your decision. But I promise you that if you dare to convert this concept into your belief, you will change your perception of yourself and your life. Contemplate the idea repeatedly until you feel it is possible.
I conclude that I am a youngster. The math on my chronological age relative to the 900 years substantiates the body design the sciences indicate. I would love your feedback – what do you conclude?
There are more reasons that support this. Can I?
Agreed- society have an obligation not to skip this problem any more. And?