Category: #IGotSomeTea

#IGotSomeTea is better than gossip. This section features stories and key tips to maintaining your crown.

The Importance of Customer Service

Customer service is the equivalent of gas in your car. Without gas your car is not going very far, in fact in most cases it won’t move at all. In the black community, specifically the hair and nails industry, the lack of customer service and the simple audacity that some business owners have are at an all-time high. Somehow we have gotten away from the business fundamentals aka the basics. The goal is not to read anyone for filth but simply educate in hopes...

The Art of Minding Your Business

Social media has given everyone a platform to share their voice. You can tweet your thoughts on Twitter. You can write on someone’s wall on Facebook. You can comment under photos and or stories on Instagram. As a result of this, people have become a little too comfortable with giving their opinions on things and or people that do not concern them. I get it, your voice matters. Sure, there’s this thing called freedom of speech. But the reality is, that everything online does...

Five Things For Singles To Do On Valentine’s Day

This time of year can be difficult for some singles. Maybe this is your first single Valentine’s Day since you and your ex split. Or perhaps you have been praying to God for three years straight that he will send you someone special. Or maybe you have been actively dating, and you recently found out you did not make the V-day cut. If one of these brought you to this article, I want you to know you are not alone. Studies show that there...

Leap Of Faith – How To Make a Cross Country Move On a Budget

“So can I get a window seat? Don’t want nobody next to me. I just want a chance to fly, a chance to cry, and a long bye-bye.” Erykah Badu. Have you ever just wanted to move and start all over again? Maybe you want a change of scenery, or you love to travel, or there are better opportunities for your career in another state. Well, this post is for you. I am here to encourage you, queens, to take a leap of faith...

A Woman’s Strength

I’ve always admired my mother and her journey in this game called life. I tell her all the time, “mom, you should share your story with other women because it’s inspiring.” My mom is not much of a writer, so she has not yet found her lane to reach back and share her story with other women. Luckily for her, I am a writer, and I decided to write a piece on my mother. She just turned 44 this past week, and as I...

How My Ex Saved My Life

You know the expression ”when one door closes another one opens?” Actually one of my favorite rappers Gucci Mane said it best “miss one, next 15 ones coming.” In other words, just because it’s the end of something doesn’t mean better days are not ahead. Let’s rewind to two months ago. I was bawling my eyes out, losing my self-respect, and acting unusual over a man. Now if you know me, you know I’ve always wanted love. That Martin and Gina kind of love....

Not Quite 30

So I’m two months shy of my 26th birthday and I’m starting to have that “almost 30” feeling. This feeling is not only coming from within but also the pressures from others around me. “When are you buying a house, you’re pushing 30.” “Don’t you want to move up at your current job? You’re getting up there.” It’s both frustrating and annoying to be reminded of that invisible clock we all carry around in our minds. I am four years away from 30 and...

Surviving Quarantine (Couples Edition)

Have you been seeing posts about high divorce rates during this quarantine, and or people not getting along with their significant other? Let me start with, it’s okay if you and your boo have been bumping heads during this pandemic. With the uncertainty of the world, finances being at risk, and quite frankly people are dying, it’s a no brainer that you and your significant other might butt heads. So if you’re at home fighting over desk space, in need of some space, or...

Valentine’s Day Do’s and Dont’s: For The Lovers, Singles, and In Between

So you made the cut. Hey lovers. If it’s your first of many or another Valentine’s Day with your significant other, there are still some rules you must play by. If this will be your first Valentine’s Day with your bae, you should be prepared to go all out. Now all out does not necessarily mean a trip to Cancun or an expensive gift. As always, remember to act your wage. All out can simply mean dinner, a thoughtful gift, and or just something...

Queens Take Back Their Power

If you’re not ready to take back your power and stop letting people dog walk you, this post is not for you. Now that I have your attention, listen closely Queen. It’s time to sit on your throne. You deserve so much more than the crap you’ve been accustomed to. The reason why things keep coming back full circle is because you have not learned your lesson yet. God will not allow you to move forward until he knows you understand your worth and...